
Daily Life
Housing co-ops are democratic communities where there’s no landlord. Every resident is a member of the co-op and gets a say in how it's run.
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Community gardens are plots of land that people share to grow fresh fruits and vegetables and spend quality time together.
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Personal Finance
Learn how to avoid being the victim of a scheme that puts you and your finances at risk.
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Extracurricular activities are a great way to have some fun and make new friends!
Sexual Health
It can be terrifying to find out you’re pregnant when you’re young. Consider all your options and make a decision that’s best for you.
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Do you see things in our society that you would like to change? Do wonder how you can make change happen? Try joining an advocacy group!
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Canada has three levels of government: federal, provincial, and municipal. Each level has its own unique set of responsibilities.
Physical Health
If you’re having problems seeing or reading, you might need to get your eyes checked by an optometrist (eye doctor).
Pay for Post-secondary School
In addition to OSAP, university and college students in Ontario are eligible for additional financial aid if they have a disability.
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Students’ brains develop and work differently and sometimes they need accommodations for their unique learning needs.
Daily Life
Landlords and tenants both have responsibilities to each other and you should know your rights when you start renting.
Sexual Health
Sexual health clinics offer free, confidential counselling and medical services. They also run tests and provide treatment for STIs.